
Inside Out Verbal Reasoning Book 1


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For a long, long time, educators, researchers, and guardians have sought to demystify the subject of Verbal and make the learning process as seamless as possible. Any such intervention hopeful of making any difference would have to start from the formative years when the child is first exposed to Verbal, the most important of subjects.
The Inside Out series of books for primary school pupils written by Judeson A. Ogberaha, a seasoned educator boasting years of rich on-the-ground experience, and published by Learnrite Publishers, is an intervention that could make a difference. At least as far as Nigerian-groomed pupils are concerned. The Inside Out Quantitative series has the advantage of bypassing the unnecessary jargon that makes Verbal so tedious, thereby making the learning experience as stress-free as possible for pupils, teachers, and parents.

The inside-out series comes as a timely companion to the maiden issue and eases the pupils and their teachers gradually but deeper into the potentially complex world of Verbal. Fortunate are the kids who have the opportunity to take this stepwise approach to learning Verbal.

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Inside Out Verbal Reasoning

Inside Out Verbal Reasoning Book 1


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